This is a puzzle series based near Stebbing. Looking at it on the map, there's an outer circle of nine puzzles caches. Each cache contains a bonus number and allows you to solve the inner circle of three. From these caches, you are able to find the cache in the middle. 😃 All the caches have the same hint - Orange so the first cache is all important!
I'd solved the outer circle puzzles, sorted out a route and parked in a nice lay-by close to the first cache on my list. It took a while but I was up and running. Unfortunately I couldn't find the second cache so thoughts of solving the inner circle went straight into the ether. I found all the other caches in the outer circle so at least I have the bonus numbers for the future.😉 Another bonus was the distant view of Stebbing Church all the way around the series.
Whilst I was in Stebbing, I picked up the VS and Stumped trads. So a fine ten caches early on a Sunday morning, can't be bad!👍🏻