Problem at the Zoo

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It's been two days since I found a cache and I must get one today! Looking at what's available, I see that NathanJHunt has recently released a cache near South Woodham by the Tropical Wings zoo. Zoo(Of A Tropical Kind) is a 1/1 trad and as I know the COs MO, I shouldn't have too much trouble and I didn't. 😀

However the next one is another one of the COs puzzles which is a very difficult kettle of fish.☚ī¸ Map Of The Problematique was a 4/1.5 git which I solved some time ago. The trouble was, however, that the final GZ was well out on the Dengie Peninsula near Mayland. There are only two caches on the entire Dengie that I haven't added to the found list. One is an EC near Burnham and the next is another one of Nathan's puzzles. I have no idea where that is.đŸ˜ĸ

It was no longer a Problematique once I found the cunningly placed container stuck in the middle of nowhere. It's rumoured that the CO is working on a long series out here on the Dengie. I look forward to more reasons to come out here again.😀


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