After the starting of a cold yesterday, I think that I’ve got the start of this sodding flu going around.🤧 If I was a sane, rational person and not a geocacher, I would have used what little sense that I had left and stayed in bed or at least stayed indoors in the warm, listening to Cheap Trick albums.😀 I bought their Christmas album recently and their version of Chuck Berry’s - Run Run Rudolph is the best one that I’ve ever heard. However, trying a version of Silent Night was a track too far!☹️
Anyway back to “Tales Of A Nutcase” it’s New Year‘s Day and there’s a souvenir up for grabs so I have to venture out.🤔 Luckily I have a cache on my emergency list not too far away and once SideTracked East Tilbury, a trad, was found, logged and replaced, it was back to the warm and another splendid aural experience.
Happy New Year everyone.
1 Traditional