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I decided to come over to Bromley to have a try for the new series of challenge caches in Norman's Park. I knew that I didn't qualify for most of them but it would be a good walk to start the morning. The challenges were all to do with attending events and CITO's. I was hoping to have enough time to finish off some other caches in the centre of town.
I parked up by the locked park gates just before dawn and strode down the first cache of the day, 4 S C Challenge Cache. I soon found this one but I hadn't attended ten events outside the U.K.🤔 I found and qualified for 5 and 6 but didn't for 7, which was to attend an event in 20 UK counties. I found but didn't qualify for 1 but I did for 2 as I had attended 22 events and CITOs in the UK and also for 3 as I had attended 30 events in the U.K.😀
With four of the seven claimed and it still only 0723, I headed into Bromley Town Centre and parked in my usual free parking spot. There were three AdLab series in town and I had completed two of then and had the coords for the bonus caches. I needed to complete the Bromley High Street AL series and soon found the remaining three bases. I worked out the coords for this bonus and set off on a series of drive-bys around town.😀
First off was the Bromley - Did you know? AL bonus was was a quick find. Nearby was the Bromley Civic Centre trad so I strode over there to pick up the well hidden trad. There were some fine but sadly neglected ornamental gardens in the grounds here.

I drove down to the Church House & Library Gardens AL bonus only to find that someone had pushed it too far into the orifice but the CO kindly let me claim this one. I then set off for the final of the ST - Bromley North multi. I had failed here before but there were no problems today. To round things off, I found the Bromley High Street AL bonus.😀
Flushed with success and the fact that it was only 0823, I headed up to Sundridge Park, a couple of miles north. There were two multis here and I worked out the ST first and was very plased to see that the info source was a rare Handyside letter post from the Victorian era.😀 I then wandered round the corner to Mr Jones' House. I had guessed that Mr Jones was in fact, David Bowie and the coords for the final stage for this one where soon in hand. Unfortunately the multis were in different directions but both were soon found.

It was time to head home. However I knew that I would have to pass through Chislehurst and I had my eye on two recently published caches. I would only have time to look for one.🥴 As I had already solved the Queen's Silver Jubilee Tree mystery, it was an easy choice. 1260rjc had been very cunning with this one and the previous visitor had had a DNF but I had a positive end to the morning.😀
1 Traditional 3 Multi 8 Mystery