Brentwood by Bus

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Monday 18th March 2024

I was dropped off in Ingrave with about twenty minutes until the bus came. It was a bit of a walk from the Green Man up to the village pond where the 'In grave" danger of deep water trad was hiding. However it was a quick find and I was waiting at the nearby bus stop with minutes to spare. I alighted opposite Masons but I'll always know the pub as The Running Waters. On the footpath leading from their car park, I quickly found 'In grave' danger of kicking the bucket trad.

I luckily jumped another bus and got off in the High Street. On the morning of the publication of the Historic Brentwood AL series bonus, I was in town so expected a FTF but as much as I frisked the host, I couldn't find the cache.🙁 Today I saw it on the approach so I know that if it had been there on publication day, I'd have an extra FTF to my name.🤔

I walked back to the High Street and caught another bus down to Brentwood Station. I had solved the ST mystery last night and soon found the well hidden cache. However carelessness set in and after signing the log, I brushed the container off the bridge and on to the track below. I did own up though and after a couple of days, NEGS sent me a replica container which I sent to the CO.

It's quite a steep hill back up to the High Street so my bus pass came in handy again. I visited St Thomas Becket church and sorted out the info for the CM EC. I'm getting quite familiar with Flint so the answers came easy. I've now run out of caches to find in Brentwood.🙁

1 EC 2 Mystery 2 Traditional

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